Wearable monitoring system provides clinical support to patients at home

Wearable monitoring system provides clinical support to patients at home

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

The BodyGuardian RMS uses clinical algorithms that were developed by doctors at Mayo Clinic to support remote monitoring of individuals with cardiac arrhythmias. The BodyGuardian System will allow physicians to monitor key biometrics outside of the clinical setting, while patients go about their daily lives, by providing a continuous connection between the patient and their physicians.

According to Preventice, this connection is made possible by a small body-worn sensor that is attached to the patient’s chest.

This sensor collects important data, including the patient’s ECG, heart rate, respiration rate, and activity level and transmits that data to physicians via mobile-phone technology, enabling doctors to monitor patients from their iPad or desktop. The wearable body sensor in the BodyGuardian RMS is enabled by ST hardware and software technology that includes sophisticated MEMS, low-power STM32 microcontrollers, and analog components combined with advanced ST-proprietary algorithms.

The potential for remote patient monitoring to reduce patient costs and influence care delivery is contributing to rapid growth in the use of wireless monitoring, which is expected to continue in the coming years.

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