Docea Power’s Aceplorer 2.2 adds new library of customizable blocks and supports UPF 2.0

Docea Power’s Aceplorer 2.2 adds new library of customizable blocks and supports UPF 2.0

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By admin

The new software features a library of generic blocks that can be customized by users to implement designs, and support for IEEE Std. 1801-2009, also known as Unified Power Format (UPF) 2.0. Aceplorer is used to model and optimize electronic design power consumption, early in the design cycle, at the architectural level.

AT DATE 2011 Docea Power’s Aceplorer will also be covered in an ST-Ericsson presentation, by Patrick Arnould, Senior System Architect, titled, “How software development can benefit from a platform power model?”

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