Nanosensors to benefit military and energy sectors

Nanosensors to benefit military and energy sectors

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

The U.S. Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) has awarded the College’s Smart System Technology & Commercialization Center of Excellence (STC) a $3 million contract to develop, fabricate and test a variety of smart sensor technologies to enhance military intelligence gathering by soldiers in the field.

STC is also leveraging earlier work with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) into a $3 million initiative through the U.S. Department of Energy to develop full systems of wireless sensors for monitoring potentially damaging vibration of components on high-speed power generating equipment. The systems will feature a combination of integrated circuits with active sensing technologies.

Prototypes are expected this summer for the first-of-its-kind sensor system, which will initially monitor blades in steam turbines, but is expected to be expanded to include blades in wind turbines, helicopters, jet engines and turbines that power ships and submarines, among other applications.

"These new partnerships highlight STC’s expanded focus on developing smart sensor technologies and solutions to address areas of critical national need, including the military and energy sectors, and showcase the powerful combination of CNSE and STC in driving high-tech investment and growth in Western New York," said CNSE Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Alain Kaloyeros, in a statement.

STC provides certified cleanroom space for fabrication and packaging of MEMS devices that leverages CNSE’s Albany NanoTech Complex

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