Next-generation n-channel power MOSFETs offers industry’s lowest on-resistance at 4.5-V
Utilizing a new high-density design, the SiRA00DP , SiRA02DP , SiRA04DP , and SiSA04DN offer industry-low on-resistance down to 1.35 mΩ at 4.5 V and low Miller charge, Q gd , down to 1.8 nC in the PowerPAK SO-8 and 1212-8 packages.
The new Vishay Siliconix TrenchFET IV power MOSFETs incorporate technological improvements in silicon design, wafer processing, and device packaging to deliver a number of benefits to designers of today’s power electronics systems. With a reduction in on-resistance times silicon area of over 60% compared with previous-generation devices, the SiRA00DP is able to demonstrate extremely low R DS(on) values of 1.0 mΩ at 10 V and an industry-best 1.35 mΩ at 4.5 V. For designers, the MOSFETs’ low on-resistance translates into lower conduction losses for reduced power consumption and higher efficiency.
TrenchFET Gen IV MOSFETs offer a new structure that utilizes a very high-density design without significantly increasing the gate charge, overcoming a problem often associated with high cell count devices. The MOSFETs released today offer low total gate charge and therefore low on-resistance times gate charge figures of merit (FOM) down to 56 nC-Ω at 4.5 V for the SiRA04DP.
The SiRA00DP, SiRA02DP, and SiRA04DP provide increased system efficiency and lower temperatures in the 6.15 mm by 5.15 mm PowerPAK SO-8 package while the SiSA04DN offers similar efficiency with a third of the size in the 3.30 mm by 3.30 mm PowerPAK 1212-8 package. All of the devices released today offer a very low Q gd /Q gs ratio of 0.5 or less. This lower ratio can help to prevent shoot-thru by lowering gate-induced voltages.
The SiRA00DP, SiRA02DP, SiRA04DP, and SiSA04DN are optimized for high power density DC/DC converters, synchronous rectification, synchronous buck converters, and OR-ing applications. Typical end products include switch mode power supplies, voltage regulator modules (VRMs), POLs, telecom bricks, PCs, and servers.
The TrenchFET Gen IV devices are 100 % R g – and UIS-tested. They are halogen-free according to the IEC 61249-2-21 definition and RoHS-compliant.
More information about the TrenchFET Gen IV family at